Call for Papers / Issue No. 33 (June 2024)

Important information for Authors: to register a new account on the journal's online platform, please contact the Editorial Team at


Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review

Popular Saints and Pilgrimages in Latin America Today

Guest editors: Roberta Bivar C. Campos (PPGA-UFPE, PPCIS-UERJ), Rodrigo Ferreira Toniol (PPGSA-UFRJ)


Religious manifestations involving devotion to the saints are as diverse as they are ancient,
constituting one of the oldest practices of Christianity and many other religions as such
Islamism, Judaism, Hinduism, and Afro religions. As a matter of fact, the cult of saints occupies
a prominent place, whether rooted in ancient traditions or when reinvented to adapt to new

This dossier is an invitation to reflect on this theme in the diverse religion traditions of today.
We intend to bring together papers that unveil a wide range of expressions in the sphere of
Latin-Americans religiosities, in which both institutionalized and spontaneous faith are
present. Despite their specificities, these dimensions are part of the same dynamic woven by tensions, disputes, and above all by reciprocal exchanges. They can happen in culturally and socially accepted spaces, but they can also arise spontaneously and in such an unusual and reinvented way that they unravel the conceptions of what is conventionally religious in Western society. In this way, works that bring historical and sociological perspectives about these dynamics will be very welcome. We also invite Authors to submit those of a more anthropological nature that recognize in devotion an intense communication that goes through looks, gestures, words, things and emotions, in a binding relationship that goes far beyond a punctual and interested exchange.

The interest in the investigation of devotions is associated with the possibility of articulating them to more general and current socioanthropological and historical debates, through empirical and comparative research. The emphasis is on the cult to the saints as it is lived and practiced, and not in its ideal-prescriptive dimension. Through its study, we intend to discuss the nuances and complexities of the forms of reciprocity that occur among the different people involved in devotions (which often involve self-sacrifice and self-surrender); the native ontologies about sanctity and the intertwining between the life of the saint and that of the devotee (which allows the establishment of games of construction of identities, subjectivities, and collectivities from different angles); as well as the various forms of socialization involved in these relationships.


The articles must be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. We strongly advise authors to write in their mother tongue, if it is one of the journal’s official languages. The full versions of the manuscripts to be submitted to the external evaluation process, must be submitted by the authors anonymously into the Open Journal System (OJS) of Revista del CESLAInternational Latin American Studies Review before May 15, 2024.

For this purpose, the authors should contact the Editorial Team at in order to be registered in the online system and gain access to their account.

The Editorial Team of Revista del CESLA will be in charge of communicating to the authors the results of the evaluations, as well as of sending them the comments of the external experts.


Important Dates and Deadlines:

Reception of articles proposals: until May 15, 2024.

Response and comments of the evaluators: before May 30, 2024.

Delivery of corrected versions of accepted articles (if necessary): June 7, 2024.

Publication of Volume: June 30, 2024.