Perception of South American students towards foreign citizens: A binding study on immigration and education


  • Chess Emmanuel Briceño Núñez Investigador Independiente


foreign student, high school student, immigration, xenophobia, South America


This document contains an investigation that presents results associated with the attitudes of South American students towards foreign colleagues, presenting informative data in relation to xenophobia, immigration and education. The population was structured by active high school students from 6 representative cities of South American countries (Buenos Aires Argentina, São Paulo Brazil, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá Colombia, Guayaquil Ecuador and Lima Peru) and a sample of 1440 students (240 per country) with ages between 12 and 17 years of age. An instrument called "Sociocultural Perception Test" was applied asynchronously, containing 20 items presented on a Likert scale grouped into positive and negative assessment items. The data were processed with the Statistical Package for the social sciences (SPSS). The results show that in most of the participating South American countries, there is a degree of positive acceptance of immigrants by the young school population; however, there are key cases in which a degree of rejection of foreigners is observed.


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