Paths of the senses: Penance and howls in Our Lord's of the Steps pilgrimage in São Cristóvão (Brazil, 1903-1978)



São Cristóvão, Sergipe, pilgrimage, intellecuals, Catholic devotional reform, religious conflict, penance


The Passos procession in the city of São Cristóvão is considered the main religious ceremony of Sergipe, a state in the Brazilian Northeast. Since the nineteenth century, during the second week of Lent, the city had enjoyed a period of joy, rejoicing with pilgrims traveling from various retreats in order to fulfill their release and renew their requests. It was a pilgrimage that reunited the popular segments and the main names of the sugar elite of the region. It was an official pilgrimage of the Brazilian Empire. In this research, the object is the reinvention of this pilgrimage throughout the twentieth century, provoking conflicts and anxieties among different social segments that tried to appropriate the event. The main conflict took place between the members of the Third Order of Carmel, organizer of the pilgrimage, and the Franciscan friars from Germany who from 1903 took over the parish of Our Lady of Victory and tried to promote the process of devotional reform, and the power of the laity in the celebration. This quarrel involved religious, laymen, republican politicians, popular pilgrims, members of the brotherhoods and intellectuals concerned about the effects of the modernization of the state and the destruction of traditions.

Author Biography

Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

PhD in history at the Fluminense Federal University. Currently Assistant Professor at the Department of History and Post-Graduate Programmes in History (PPGH/UFRN) and in History Teaching (PROFHIS/UFRN) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Member of the research group Teoria da História, Historiografia e História dos Espaços (UFRN).


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