Call for Papers / Issue No. 34 (December 2024)

Important information for Authors: to register a new account on the journal's online platform, please contact the Editorial Team at


Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review

The Imaginary from a Latin American perspective: theoretical-methodological approaches and new uses.

Guest editors: Alexandre da Silva Borges (Universidade Federal do Tocantins, UFT), Andrisa Kemel Zanella (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, UFPel), José Aparecido Celorio (Universidade Estadual de Maringá, UEM)


This dossier aims to create dialogues about perspectives on the Imaginary as a concept with the use of a symbolic and instituting hermeneutics that refer to the themes linked to the Latin American context. Meanwhile, we seek to share different theoretical-methodological, transdisciplinary approaches, developed from this place and/or about this place, having as reference the studies of authors such as: the French scientist, poet and philosopher of image, Gaston Bachelard (1884 -1962); French anthropologist Gilbert Durand (1921-2012); the Greek philosopher and psychoanalyst, Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997); the German philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945); the Swiss psychiatrist and founder of Analytical Psychology, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961); French philosopher Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) the historian of religions, Romanian Mircea Eliade (1907-1986); French philosopher and theologian Henry Corbin (1903-1978); American mythologist Joseph Campbell (1904-1987); the American psychologist, James Hillman (1926-2011); as well as more recent authors who focus on the philosophy and phenomenology of image, the symbolism, mythology and archetypes in the generally understood Human Sciences and Education; as well as many others not mentioned, who contributed to it.

To benefit of this dossier, it is also important to analyze and re-read what is produced on the topic through the phenomena that involve a Latin American imaginary, translated into its (im)materiality, from the most different textual, printed and literary sources, as well as imagery, photographs, artistic sources, concretes. When it comes to the Imaginary of Latin America, we understand both the Amerindian expression, of original peoples rooted in the land and nature – and also the mixtures of blood and images, with other ethnic groups and their expressions, be they African, European or Asian. This Imaginary that also emerges from scientific, social, philosophical, “human” studies and views, arising from specialized institutes, faculties or courses – that is, everything that is produced from a Latin American hue. Latin America: brindle soul, painted with different paints. What are its archetypal images? What mythemes arise from this context? What symbolic convergences condense this Latin American image? And what are the social, historical, political and economic crossings that inevitably challenge such an imaginary?

Still, it is worth highlighting the conceptual distinction of what we understand by “Latin America” - an expression that is associated with the way in which we define ourselves and relate to the colonizing countries. In this sense, it is worth important to highlight the references to the authors focused on contemporary Amerindian themes, such as Ailton Krenac (1953-); David Kopenawa Yanomami (1956-); Kaka Werá (1964-), Daniel Munduruku (1964-) and Eliana Potiguara (1950-).

Finally, it is important for this call for papers to bring together studies and research that present the strength of other epistemes, originating from the ancient knowledge of the Amerindian peoples and in the knowledge woven through healthy dialogue, between Western and Eastern perspectives. Given the current Westernized world model, signs of environmental and human degradation are visible, which contributes to the growing illness of the world and people.

The dossier proposes a collection of work carried out in research groups that deal with the topic, the methods used, innovations and results, culminating in an overview of what has been produced in the different Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses, in History, Anthropology, Psychology , Science of Religions, Philosophy, Education, Communication, Art etc. In this sense, academic dialogues presented in articles that are based on the aforementioned authors; essays that come closer to and converge with an establishing hermeneutics; comparative studies; theoretical-methodological advances described in dissertations and theses; and new assumptions about the Imaginary – research that starts from Latin America or has Latin American culture as its scope are welcome.


The articles must be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. We strongly advise authors to write in their mother tongue, if it is one of the journal’s official languages. The full versions of the manuscripts to be submitted to the external evaluation process, must be submitted by the authors anonymously into the Open Journal System (OJS) of Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review before October 31, 2024.

For this purpose, the authors should contact the Editorial Team at in order to be registered in the online system and gain access to their account.

The Editorial Team of Revista del CESLA will be in charge of communicating to the authors the results of the evaluations, as well as of sending them the comments of the external experts.


Important Dates and Deadlines:

Reception of articles proposals: until October 31, 2024.

Response and comments of the evaluators: before November 30, 2024.

Delivery of corrected versions of accepted articles (if necessary): December 15, 2024.

Publication of Volume: December 31, 2024.