Attacks and censorship of teachers who discuss gender in basic education in the interior of the state of Santa Catarina



School, (Neo)conservatism, Anti-Gender Ideology, Interior of Santa Catarina (Brazil), Persecution


This paper aims to demonstrate how the rise and influence of a radicalized right-wing, with neoliberal and neoconservative characteristics, at a global level, has impacted discussions of gender and sexual difference in schools in the interior of Santa Catarina (Brazil) from the emergence of an anti-gender ideology. This paper also presents how this local attack occurs, what are its strategies (devices), and what the impact of these actions is on the community and individuals belonging to it. Using the Oral History approach and adopting a multi-situated research methodology, we interviewed teachers from the 6 regions of the state of Santa Catarina. These attacks have occurred (and continue to occur) in an organized manner through censorship and persecution on sociotechnical networks, by politicians, religious leaders, the press, and the school community itself when addressing the issue in question. We also point out that the intention of neoconservatism is to silence these issues in the classroom. However, this attempt to censor and prohibit has had the opposite and positive effect of increasing students' desire to learn more and the resistance of teachers to these attacks.


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