Civil Society and Social Movements in the Debate on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in Brazil


  • Biancca Scarpeline DE CASTRO University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


civil society, social movements, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), perception of risk, Brazil


The civil society and the social movements have been key players in the debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Brazil, even though they don´t present homogeneous positions: some of these organizations are in favor, while others are contrary to the use and dissemination of GMOs, questioning the official designation of risks established by scientists and politicians. The paper initially summarizes the role of civil society and social movements in the country in the 15 years of disputes about GMOs. Then, it presents the perceptions of 15 Brazilian organizations related to GMOs, based on interviews about their current position on the theme. The results show that the disputes regarding GMOs can be considered as discussions of risks, and the notion of risk varies according to the perspective of the actors. They include concerns about environmental, ethical, health and socioeconomic issues. Organizations against GMOs emphasize that their use could create an economic dependence of small farmers, while those in favor argue that GMOs are essential to the competitiveness of the Brazilian agriculture. This duality is more related to the conventional debate about rural development in the country rather than the perception of new risks introduced by GMOs.


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