Conflicts and Hydrosocial Territories in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires



water conflicts, Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, drinking water and sanitation, hydrosocial territories


The present article, based on a political ecology approach, starts from the premise that accessibility to water does not depend merely on technical or natural causes, but rather on political issues associated with its production and distribution in the city. In this sense, the aims of this research are twofold. On the one hand, it is proposed, from a macro and regional scale, to analyze the modality that assumed in the last decades the distribution of drinking water and sewers in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (Argentina). This essay will show the way in which an unequal hydro-social territory was developed, with covered and marginalized areas from the service network. On the other hand, and from a micro scale focused on a municipality in the south of the metropolitan area, it is interesting to analyze the emergence of territorial conflicts that demand access to water and sanitation, and the way in which their actions allow the visibility of sociotechnical controversies in relation to the provision of the service. To this end, the text proposes working with a variety of primary sources (in-depth interviews with members of social organizations) and secondary sources (statistical coverage data) that, in their complementarity, allow reconstructing the proposed aims.

Author Biography

Melina Ayelen Tobias, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Postdoctoral fellow of the CONICET, based at the Group of Environmental Studies within the Area of Urban Studies, Gino Germani Research Institute, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. PhD in Social Sciences (UBA) and Geography (Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle), Master in Economic Sociology at the National University of San Martín (IDAES-UNSAM), and Degree in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (UBA).  Adjunct Professor of the signature Thesis Workshop in the career of Social Work (National University of José C. Paz) and assistant professor in Environmental Sociology and Research Methodology I directed by Phd Gabriela Merlinsky in the Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA.


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