#Eutambemsouimigrante: Between the Hospitable Brazil Myth and the Xenophobic Reality


  • Viviane RIEGEL Superior School of Advertising and Marketing, Sao Paulo (Brazil)
  • Matheus PÁSSARIO Superior School of Advertising and Marketing, Sao Paulo (Brazil)


migration, xenophobia, communication, discourse critical analysis, Ministry of Justice


The image of Brazil as a country with open arms for all migrants, in practice, contrasts with various occasions of prejudice and xenophobic acts, suffered by those who choose the country as their destination. Faced with an increase in these acts in the country, the Brazilian government has developed communication campaigns to address the issue of migration, amongst them the campaign #Eutambemsouimigrante, which was aimed at showcasing the migratory origin of individuals, from different groups of migrants who arrived in the country throughout history. The objective of the article is to reflect on the context of discourses related to the campaign's creation, the texts that were produced as part of the campaign, as well as some of the reactions that led to the withdrawal of its communication. For this analysis, we develop a discussion about migratory movements and the right to mobility, presenting a global dataset, and the historical and contemporary contexts of these phenomena in Brazil. The main texts of the #Eutambemsouimigrante campaign are analyzed through the lens of discourse critical analysis (Fairclough, 2001). The results indicate that the production of the campaign maintains certain positive and negative stereotypes concerning migrants, nationally and internationally reproduced, not seeking to give visibility to the critical elements of the migratory issue in Brazil.

Author Biographies

Viviane RIEGEL, Superior School of Advertising and Marketing, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

PhD student in Media and Consumption at ESPM-SP, scholarship by Capes (Prosup), Brazil

Matheus PÁSSARIO, Superior School of Advertising and Marketing, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Master in Media and Consumption at ESPM-SP, Brazil


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