From Poland to Brazil (1933-1945): Memories of Refugees from Nazism and Holocaust Survivors


  • Maria Luiza Tucci CARNEIRO University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
  • Renata SIUDA-AMBROZIAK University of Warsaw (Poland)


Brazil, Poland, anti-Semitism, Polish Jews, Holocaust, refugees


The article aims to disclose the testimonies of Polish Jews who sought refuge in Brazil fleeing Nazi persecutions or as post-war Holocaust survivors. From the methodological point of view, referring to the studies on memory and forgetfulness in oral history, the authors focus on the biographical research of the interviewees, especially in the situations described and understood as ruptures – dramatic changes over the course of their lives as: Jews in Poland, refugees, and, finally, as Brazilians.

Author Biographies

Maria Luiza Tucci CARNEIRO, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Professor at the Department of History, FFLCH-University of São Paulo, coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies on Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination LEER-USP.

Renata SIUDA-AMBROZIAK, University of Warsaw (Poland)

PhD in Social Philosophy, Professor at the Center for American Studies at the Institute of the Americas and Europe at the University of Warsaw, Vice-Director of the Institute. CAPES / Brazil Scholar at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.


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